Festival Bowland Embraces Summer

20th June 2024

The Festival Bowland summer programme is looking blooming marvellous!

Whether you want to soak up the blaze of colour in a Bowland wildflower meadow, have a late night looking for meteors, or spend a relaxing afternoon creating your very own pottery piece, you'll find lots of ways to discover Bowland this summer. Here are a few highlights.....

Bumblebee on purple wildflowerNational Meadows Day

Sunday, 7 July, 13:00 – 16:00, Hermitage Field Community Meadow, Crook o' Lune, Lancaster, LA2 9HU, UK 

Celebrate National Meadows Day in Bowland with an afternoon in these wildflower havens at the  Crook o' Lune.  

More information about the Hermitage Field Community Meadow is available here: https://hermitagefieldcommunitymeadow.com


No booking needed, but if you can comment on Facebook if you're thinking of going along, that would be really helpful!

Summer Berry Bowl Pottery Workshop

Sunday, 7 July, 13:00 – 16:00, Slaidburn 

Let Bowland Pottery help you fashion a stoneware clay berry bowl that's unique to you!


Booking needed. Please see https://www.numonday.com/product/hand-build-your-own-berry-bowl-pottery-workshop for details.

Scorton Challenge Tramper Trek

Thursday, 18 July, 10:30 – 15:00, Scorton

Join Wyre Coast & Countryside Service's Tramper trek, where they attempt to go where you never dreamed possible – over Nicky Nook Fell! (Weather permitting). Walkers welcome too.


Booking needed. Please contact: greatoutdoors@wyre.gov.uk or 01253 887502.

Mixed group enjoying a Tramper trek in autumn in Bowland.All-Terrain Wheelchair Taster Day

Sat, 20 July, 10:00 – 15:30, Sabden

Come and try out a Tramper with us and enjoy the landscape around Churn Clough Reservoir near Sabden!


Booking needed. Please email sandra.silk@lancashire.gov.uk or phone 07973 923142.

Perseid Meteor Shower

Monday, 12 August, 21:00 – 23:59, Dunsop Bridge

Join members of Preston & District Astronomical Society on this late-night event, as they guide us through the fascinating world of meteors.


Booking needed. Please email sandra.silk@lancashire.gov.uk or phone 07973 923142.

Wyre Rivers Trust Amble

Wednesday, 14 August, 10:30 – 12:30, Caterall

A gentle amble around tracks and fields around Catterall.


Booking needed: For further information, and to book, please contact charlie@wyreriverstrust.org

Ammonite fossil against a dry stone wall.A Walk Through Time

Wed, 21 August, 10:00 – 12:00, Trough of Bowland

Join us in the Trough of Bowland for a closer look at the geology which underpins this well loved part of the National Landscape.


Booking needed. Please email sandra.silk@lancashire.gov.uk or phone 07973 923142.

Wyre Rivers Trust - Brock Valley Bat Walk

Friday, 23 August, 20:00 – 21:30, Claughton on Brock 

Explore the night-time world of these enigmatic creatures as they take flight and forage in the woodlands around the River Brock.


Booking needed: For further information, and to book, please contact charlie@wyreriverstrust.org

Full details of all these events, and more, are available at Festival Bowland Events | Forest of Bowland National Landscape

(Under 18s need to be accompanied by an adult to all Festival Bowland events and not all events are suitable for children. Please check with the organiser.)

Bowland Dark Skies Festival 2024

- 21st December 2023

Traditional Boundaries Training

- 21st November 2023

All-Terrain Wheelchair Demo Day

- 20th September 2023

Tramper Taster Day

- 22nd August 2023

Pendle Peat & Pie Challenge

- 26th April 2023

New Bowland Visitor Guide

- 20th February 2023

The Festival Continues!

- 10th October 2022

Hay Time Gets Creative!

- 3rd August 2022


- 20th July 2022

Langden Intake Gravel

- 1st July 2022

Meadow Art Workshops

- 23rd May 2022

Discovering Wonderful Waxcaps

- 9th September 2021

Tramper Taster Day

- 8th September 2021

Visiting Bowland

- 14th June 2021

Name that Bee!

- 13th April 2021

Meadow Makers Project

- 8th April 2021

Festival Bowland 2021 is here!

- 6th January 2021

COVID-19 Update

- 5th January 2021

Covid-19 Update

- 31st December 2020

Green Recovery Challenge Fund

- 10th December 2020

Bringing Home the Turf

- 7th December 2020

Let's Support Local This Christmas

- 26th November 2020

Photo Competition Winners

- 18th November 2020

COVID-19 Update 05.11.2020

- 5th November 2020

Best of Bowland Photo Competition

- 12th October 2020

New Discover Bowland website

- 29th September 2020

Ginkgo Prize for Ecopoety

- 26th August 2020

Festival Events Go Virtual

- 10th August 2020

Days to Remember

- 31st July 2020

Coronavirus Update

- 6th June 2020

COVID-19 Update

- 20th March 2020

Hay Time Rescue - Project Summary

- 11th February 2020

Bowland Dark Skies Festival

- 6th January 2020

What is Bowland Without its Trees?

- 3rd September 2019

Postcards for Kindness

- 4th July 2019

Meadows to Morris Dancing

- 10th June 2019

Tramper Taster Day

- 15th May 2019

Half a Kilometre of Hedge

- 24th January 2019

Wildflower meadow rescue mission

- 17th October 2018

Traditional Boundaries Training

- 20th September 2018

National Landscape Family's Week

- 13th September 2018

Bowland Heads Back to the Stone Age

- 12th September 2018

Bowland by Night

- 3rd September 2018

Meadow Magic

- 18th June 2018

June is Blooming!

- 15th May 2018

Bowland Wader Project Newsletter

- 22nd February 2018

Outstanding Week 2017

- 5th September 2017

Festival Bowland Fun in Autumn

- 22nd August 2017

Summer in Bowland

- 26th June 2017

Winter Hedge Laying Workshops

- 29th November 2016